How To Replace Comfort Eating

00111   Right from birth, the process to disconnect from our gut wisdom starts. Part of our gut’s purpose is to let us know when we’re hungry, what would nourish and fuel us best at that point, and signal when we are no longer hungry. As soon as well-meaning adults...

Think And Feel Yourself Slim

00000   Is weight management an ongoing issue for you? There are many reasons why you might be carrying extra (or not enough) fat storage on your body, and I’ll cover those more on Mondays throughout November.  For now, understand that self-talk is self-programming,...

Anxiety Relief Tips 1-3

10000   Is anxiety ruling your world? In our busy, busy lives our heads can quickly become filled with the white noise of our list of musts, shoulds, and shouldn’ts.  No matter how much is ticked off your To Do list, there’s always more. There’s that underlying,...

Why One Brain Just Isn’t Enough To Be Successful

00000    “How many brains do you need to be successful?” is somewhat of a trick question. You could argue that one well nourished, trained and focussed brain is enough, or that you need many brains to create a supportive team around yourself. Actually, from the...

Boundary Setting

00000   Effective boundary setting first and foremost involves a degree of self-belief and self-confidence. You need to be very clear in your own mind exactly what you want to change, why, and the benefits to yourself and others.  Then it is easier to communicate your...

Flip Your “To Do List” Into More Productive Fun

10000   “To Do” lists can feel like demons you wrestle with daily in a never-ending battle, but there is a quick mindset shift that will help you feel better about the daily To Dos, and therefore you’ll be more productive. Self-talk is...