Who’s Better At Networking: Introvert or Extrovert?

00000   Who do you think would be better at networking, an introvert or an extrovert? That was the discussion topic at a recent Women’s Network Australia event. The outcome surprised some. The term “introvert” is a classic example of a mistaken negative...

The Time You Enjoy Wasting Is Not Wasted Time

00000   Another month slipped by, the To-Do List just as long, demands from work, family and friends stretching you – sound familiar?  Particularly as a business owner, the demands can seem endless, and there’s that pressing feeling you must always be on the go,...

Ho’oponopono Healing Prayer of Forgiveness.

00100   I love Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian prayer for healing and forgiveness. Dr Haleaka Hew Len, a Hawaiian psychologist and shamanic practitioner, has achieved amazing results with criminally insane prisoners. He’s written books and lectures on...

Is Your Unconscious Blueprint Sabotaging Your Life?

01000   Is Your Unconscious Blueprint Sabotaging Your Life? What can optimizing your unconscious blueprint do for you? Jane Marin, Owner/Principal of Golden Isis – Inspired Energy knew something in her was sabotaging her business and relationships. That impacted on...

Give Your Relationship A Clean Slate

00000   Relationships can show the stresses of time and life events. Do you ever wish you could just get off the roundabout and start again? Back to when it was all fun and love?  Energy chord cutting can be a quick powerful way to save your relationships by giving...

Essential Self-Care Mindset Tips To Beat The Winter Blues

00000   Even those of us blessed with sunny Queensland winters can be affected by the cold and shorter days, and the nasty germs flying around that leave you feeling tired and miserable. So it’s even more important during these months to look after yourself, even if...