mBraining Innergetics Quiz

You’ve taken the first step towards ditching dieting for life, and reclaiming your Goldilocks (just right for you) body. As a bonus reward you’ll start receiving my De-stress Your Mind video tips series, daily for 7 days then weekly.  Below are the quiz and the brochure as promised.

Your next step is to send the whole Innergetics quiz back to sue@growingcontent.com.au so I can give you personal feedback on your results.  Then book your time to discuss.

[gview file=”https://www.suelester.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/mBraining-Innergetics-Test.1.00-1.pdf”]


[gview file=”https://www.suelester.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Brochure-mBraining-Innergetics-Coaching.1.01.pdf”]


CLICK HERE to book a time for a complimentary chat about your results and needs.


Sue Lester B.A. DipTeach. MasterNLP,Hypnosis, Neurological Repatterning, Master Results Coach, Certified mBIT Coach, CertIVTraining&Assessment

Sue Lester is Australia’s leading expert in optimizing unconscious blueprints ™ and an international mindset healer & coach, professional speaker and author.  Using the A.N.S.W.E.R. model, Sue works with individuals, teams & audiences, creating lasting behavioural change through mindset shifts. This “clearing head trash” and reigniting their zest for life’s adventures lead to achieving that elusive life balance and sense of purpose. And most importantly, feeling successful on the inside too.

Sue Lester is the author of “The Face Within: How To Change Your Unconscious Blueprint” and “Answering The Call To Adventure”, and writes for several national women’s magazines and blogs.  In 2017 Sue was awarded the SIMNI International Small Business Woman of the Year.  www.SueLester.com